søndag 1. januar 2012

Happy New Year?

Here I'm checking out the good hiding places for New Years Evening in case it would be so much noise from the fireworks that it will be necessary to hide... Mum turned startled when she fetched the laundry for washing, because I lay in the midst of the basket among the used towels and tablecloths.What if I had ended up in the washing machine with the dirty laundry!
For information, I chose the closet in the hallway to hide! 
Anyway I wish all my friends A Happy New Year!

Oh, snow.... I love snow, let me out!

Huff, this snow is wet! No snow to play and have fun in... as I remember from good old days.

From the album 2001!

4 kommentarer:

  1. A home without a cat is just a houce.

  2. Laundry is one of Au's favourites. As long as you stay out of the machine, you should be furry comfy! Wishing you a happy, healthy, fun and successful New Year.

  3. The hallway closet is the purrfect hiding place!
    so sorry! wet snow is no fun!
    Oh, and do stay OUT of the washing machine!

  4. Sunday Walk??? fortell fortell :-) nå ble jeg nyskjærrig!!! llink??
